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  • Writer's pictureNana Grace Kwapong

Meet Leah Johnson, Manager, Digital Content Strategy

“If you make customers unhappy in the physical world, they might each tell six friends. If you make customers unhappy on the Internet, they can each tell 6,000.”

Jeff Bezos, Founder, and CEO of Amazon

Leah Johnson is the manager of Digital Content Strategy at the American Academy of Neurology (AAN). She is one of the people who nurtured the digital marketing bug in me and helped it grow. I am very honored to feature her on my blog this week. 

Before becoming manager, Leah was the administrator of Digital Content and Strategy and an administrative assistant at AAN. She began her career as a marketing communications intern at Opportunity Partners, and later became followed by an inspector's assistant at Compass Consultants. At her alma mater, Saint Cloud State University, Leah studied Public Relations and Mass Communications. She is Google Analytics Certified and is currently the chair of the MIMA Student Relations Committee.

What does a typical day in your role look like?

Every day is a little different. Functioning like an internal agency, my team and I are helping various clients throughout the day working on anything from web application user journeys to what engagement strategies on Instagram. We create, update, and approve content for web, social, and email. We also focus a lot of our time on being “client” focused and delivering exceptional customer service.

What are you passionate about?

I'm passionate about current trends. Tech, marketing, fashion, etc. If there is something new, I want to know about it. I also want to know my work means something. At AAN, we are constantly empowering physicians who have a tremendous impact on millions of people’s day-to-day health care lives. Last, but not least, I am very passionate about donuts. :)

What do you find most challenging about your job/career?

Some of the biggest challenges with digital strategy are keeping up with emerging trends while also making sure you are delivering the trusted product to which everyone is accustomed. People either want to try the newest thing or stick to what we have always done. The most important aspect to me is user data. Everyone has opinions on what they think will work the best; I like to rely on the user data to help make those decisions. I also attend events, read blogs, listen to podcasts, and scour the internet to make sure I’m not missing anything.

What do you find most enriching about your job/career?

At my job, they allow me to continue learning and challenging myself. Digital strategy is continually evolving, and when I want to test something new, I’m allowed the freedom to give it a try without a lot of resistance. Also, the digital marketing community in the Twin Cities is very welcoming and helpful, which makes networking and volunteering exciting for me.

How did you find yourself in the career you currently hold?

I’ve always had a huge interest in technology and how it connects people. I studied public relations and eventually used that traditional communications knowledge and my tech instincts to find my love of digital strategy. My path wasn’t smooth, and I had a few stumbles along the way, but landing at AAN and being surrounded by amazing mentors and friends helped me advance myself to where I am today.

Words of advice for anyone who wants to pursue this career?

Get involved! If you are invited to an event, attend! At first, I was nervous about attending events, but as I mentioned before, the TC digital marketing community is so very welcoming. I joined MIMA a few years ago and have found value in every event I’ve attended. Lastly, try to find a company that plans to invest in you equally as much as you want to add value to them. 

To learn more about Leah Johnson and the great work she does at AAN, click here!

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