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  • Writer's pictureNana Grace Kwapong

Thank you for 100,000 views! And we got a makeover!

Updated: Apr 10, 2020

Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it. - Maya Angelou

I hope everyone is doing well during these uncertain home office/social distancing times. I wanted to pop by to say a big thank you for reading my blog and for following my journey. I have great news!

NK the Marketer now has over 100,000 page views!!! I am so grateful. Thanks for your love and support.

It has been amazing to find so many topics to explore, learn about, and write about to share with you all. I am also grateful for the platforms that have courses and certifications to help expand our learning and all the amazing marketers who spent time sharing their knowledge, career advice, and journeys with us over the past 4 1/2 years.

Why I started this blog

When I started planning for and writing this blog over 4 1/2 years ago, I was pretty sure no one would read it or find it interesting. I did hope, however, that if people came across it, they would find some good nuggets to help with marketing their business or find marketing to be an exciting career field to explore. I myself was an intern trying to find where I fit in the industry.

I now work as an Inbound Marketing Consultant at Avidly Norway (formerly Inbound Norway), the blog is still growing, and I get to help friends and family with their marketing needs. My heart couldn't be more full.

What we have achieved together so far

In the past 4 1/2 years that I have run this blog, I have published a lot of posts. Here are the 5 most-read posts:

The most popular Creative Spotlights were as follows:

NK the Marketer's Makeover and what is to come

As you can probably see, the blog has got a bit of a makeover. The main purpose was to make it easier to navigate the site and subscribe to the newsletter so I can keep you updated once a month on new posts and interesting marketing information.

Now that I am a bit more settled at work, I am coming out of my unannounced hiatus and will be attempting blogging once a week. As always, I would really love to hear from you on which topics you would like me to explore. It makes it easier for all of us to learn what to relevant to us, but also learn things we may not have explored otherwise. Feel free to comment below or email me at

I plan on interviewing new creatives who I have been meeting and connecting with over the years and also have a lot of new topics to explore. I know I owe you a lot of content in the form of social media platform profiles, various forms of measurement in digital marketing, and certification reviews.

As digital marketing is an ever-expanding and evolving discipline, I will also be going back to explore and update some topics we have already touched on. Canva and Grammarly, for example, have a lot of new improvements to their platforms while Wunderlist has become a part of Microsoft with a new name, To-Do. Facebook has also changed a lot of its features, so it will be great to see how we can harness those as marketers. Here in Oslo, I have a lot of marketing organisations and events to explore and cover and in the past 4 years since I wrote "Free and Low Budget Ways to Increase Your Digital Marketing Acumen!" there are a lot of new free and affordable certifications that have sprung up that we need to investigate.

As you can imagine, a lot of the marketers and creatives I interviewed have grown in their careers, switched organisations, or gone down different paths. It will be great to catch up with some of them as well to get some updates on how they are doing.

I look forward to these coming years with you. As I said, I want this to be an opportunity for us to learn and grow together, so please do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions about anything or would like to suggest something we can learn about together.

Thanks for reading!


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